Jamestown Veterans Memorial
Wrenn-Miller Park
Jamestown, NC
Buy A Brick at the Jamestown Veterans Memorial!
The Memorial honors all who served in the United States Armed Forces. It offers a tribute to each branch of the Service in a manner that remembers all who served in the military, past, present and future.
This is a wonderful opportunity to honor your family and friends who served not only in the US, but also in many foreign countries, so that we may be free to enjoy this wonderful country of ours.

Each brick will be placed around the base of the Memorial. The brick on the left is an example of information that can be placed on your brick. The next page also shows some of the many ways to honor former service men and women, no matter what branch they served in.
To download the brick form, please click
Please print out the form, complete it and mail it with your check for $100. A separate form is required for each brick ordered.
We will acknowledge your request, and provide an approximate date for your brick's installation at the Memorial.
Jamestown Veterans Committee is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) charitable organizations - ALL Contributions are tax-deductible.
For additional information, please call (336) 906-5362